I recently have been emailing with our local State House Representative - Houston Gaines- about character, integrity, and accountability. I did not vote for this young man to hold his position in our community and I would not recommend you do so either. I thought it would be worth sharing a bit about our communication here with folks hoping it would help shed light on some ideas worth exploring. I do not feel like it is appropriate to directly quote Mr. Gaines in this context because our communications were not intended to be public, but I do feel comfortable paraphrasing some of what he said and presenting my responses in full to get a better understanding what was shared.
To begin, I emailed Houston Gaines after receiving a letter in the mail about the candidate he is running against, Mokah Johnson . The letter was disgusting, it falsely accused Mokah of being a criminal and featured a grainy photo of her along with various other ignorant an unfounded attacks on her person character using various words shaped and formed to trigger the intended audience. I was so upset I decided I would write to Mr. Gaines, and to my surprise he responded personally, which leads us here. Houston wrote back saying that the mailers where not from his actual campaign (which they were not) and took no responsibility for them - although he did not apologize for or deny their content. Then he said that he and his campaign are not legally allowed to communicate with these entities, and that both sides were sending out negative mailers and that he sometimes gets ones about himself in his mailbox. This was my response:
I did not hear from Mr. Gaines for a week after that and I received another derogatory mailer. The intentions of these are blatantly obvious to paint Mokah as “other” - a technique used on her and her ancestors and all other oppressed minorities for longer than we should ever have allowed as human beings. Words that have been shaped and molded to act as chains and ropes and appendages of oppression, now one need only say or write “criminal" - “thug” - or “radical liberal” and the torches have been lit and the pitchforks have been brought out to crush the slave uprising. What was and is being done to Mokah is not at all different than what was done to Jesus Christ, and the outcome of that very story should make you aware of the consequences or our collective inaction against actions very much like these.
So I received another disgusting mailer about Mrs. Johnson, and so I wrote to Mr. Gaines again:
So then Houston decided to respond, telling me again that it is against the law for him to communicate with these individuals and telling me about negative mailers that were sent out about him that Friday that a lot of folks apparently received. He also mentioned that his opponent had not condemned these mailers.
I will say here and now, I finally received some of these “negative” mailers about Houston because my wife is a registered independent voter. They were ABSOLUTELY and unequivocally not comparable to what was being sent out about Mokah. Houston Gaines is in a place of power and privilege because of his race in this country and the economic prosperity of his family that is tied to that racial designation. I do not think that this is “his fault” but it is his responsibility to identify that privilege and acknowledge that the attacks being levied against Mokah are directly related to her racial designation and the economic and social factors associated with this social and cultural marker. It is the responsibility of men like Houston Gaines and of men like myself to create a world that is more just and equitable to recognize the monumental responsibility we have to take accountability and act with true character and integrity to achieve this future world.
So here was my last response: